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As the warmer weather approaches, like you, we are starting to think about Spring Cleaning. When it comes to looking after your stone, we have lots of tips and advice in our Athena Aftercare guide. But what about the rest of your home?

From floors and walls, to ovens and swimming pools, we caught up with a few of our most trusted experts to find out how you can clean and maintain everything in your home.

How to de-clutter your home

Natalie, founder of A Bowl of Limes, is a Certified KonMari Consultant and Professional Organiser. She suggests you should start your Spring Cleaning by de-cluttering and making sure that everything has its place.

“Cleaning your home is much easier when it’s de-cluttered. Before you start cleaning, start clearing. Start small and choose one place to begin. Perhaps your underwear drawer or your cutlery drawer. Take everything out of the space and clean the empty area. 

“Hold every item in your hands, one by one. Ask yourself: Does this add value to my life? Does it support my ideal lifestyle? Would I buy it today? Does it spark joy for me? If the answer yes to all the questions, then keep it with confidence! Thank and donate the remaining items then remove from your home as swiftly as you can.

“Arrange items in the drawers using small boxes, so you can keep similar items together. Once you see the benefits of one small tidied area, it will prompt you to move forwards onto other areas. When everything has a place, tidying and cleaning is a swift, easy task!”

How to clean hard wood floors

It’s not just stone floors that need regular maintenance. Tim from HS Wood Flooring, advises that a few simple steps can keep your wood floors looking their best all year round.

Like all organic materials, hardwood floors need the correct nourishment.

“Some floors get rougher treatment than others, with flooring in high use areas such as entranceways and kitchens being more susceptible to damage caused by foot traffic.

“You can make a huge difference by taking good care of the floor through cleaning: remove loose dirt and grit from the wood floor on a routine basis using a soft broom or vacuum. Mop up spillages as soon as possible with a clean soft cloth and avoid mopping your wood floor excessively with too much water.”

How to clean wall coverings

From floors to walls, all surfaces in your home require a little TLC. For Founder of Wells Interiors, Natalie, the key to cleaning these surfaces is using gentle processes and always following manufacturers guidance.

“You should dust your wall coverings regularly to prevent dirt from settling and staining. Use either a feather duster or vacuum with a soft clean attachment.

“For anything more invasive than this, it’s a good idea to check with the manufacturer first as they will have greater knowledge of the product’s characteristics and limitations for cleaning. For any cleaning treatments, always test in an inconspicuous area first. Use a blotting action with a soft cloth and ensure your wall coverings are completely dry after cleaning.”

How to refresh an oven

In a kitchen, it’s not just surfaces that need attention when Spring Cleaning. We asked Tina from Oven Loving if there is anything you can do to refresh your oven.

“Many of us have experienced a smoking oven. When you open the oven door and the smell of fats and smoke come wafting out. What causes it? It’s the build-up of fats that have splashed or spitted on to the upper element from foods cooking in the oven. It can be quite worrying when this happens but there are simple steps you can take every week or two to keep on top of it. 

“After you have cooked, pop the grill on for 5 minutes to burn off the fat build up on the grill element. If you forget, there is another option. Every couple of weeks, open a window and set the grill element high and gently burn off the build-up.  Turn the grill off when the smoking stops. This can last for a minute or two when it is bad, but don’t worry, it will reduce. 

“Remember, always stay with the oven until you have turned the grill element off. This simple step ensures you keep the oven safe and the home free of smells and smoke.”

How to maintain an AC unit

Spring Cleaning season is also the best time to think about servicing everything in your home. Sophie from SFE Services indicates that annual maintenance of air conditioning systems is essential.

“Regular maintenance of air conditioning systems is vital to ensuring the efficiency, longevity, and cleanliness of the equipment.

“Most residential systems require servicing at least once per year, not only as a necessity for the units but also to retain the manufactures warranty. In the event of failure, the manufacturer will require proof of maintenance to authorise a claim.

“All servicing works must be completed by a licensed company or individual. It is important to check companies hold “F Gas certification” as this is a legal requirement, similar to Gas Safe for boiler servicing.”

How to maintain a swimming pool

Calling on specialists is also vital when it comes to looking after swimming pools too. Somerset Estates provide bespoke property management services. Rachel says one thing that is always on the seasonal ‘to-do’ list is helping to prepare their clients outdoor swimming pools.

“Whilst regular maintenance of pools is expected, it comes as a surprise to many to learn about the amount of work involved – preparing an outdoor summer haven is not as simple as turning the heating on and opening the cover! It’s crucial, particularly with high-end swimming pools, that these works be carried out by specialists.

“Assuming that the pool has been winterised and does not run all year round, it is essential to carry out a ‘Chemical Open’. This involves balancing the alkalinity and pH conditions of the water, as well as performing a chlorine shock treatment to ensure that any bacteria or other harmful pathogens are killed.

“With this carried out, we know that the maintenance and upkeep for the summer months is much simpler and more manageable.”

How to keep your home clean and fresh all year round

Whether you’re Spring Cleaning or deep cleaning, regular maintenance is the key to keeping your floors, walls, and every part of your home in perfect condition.

Speaking with specialists is always advised when it comes to caring for your property and we are grateful to all the experts who have shared their advice with us this spring.

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